10 AI Tools that Cost $0 & Will Save You 100+ Hours of Time

10 AI Tools that Cost $0 & Will Save You 100+ Hours of Time

Last Updated: May 5, 2024By

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept reserved for tech giants and scientists. Today, AI tools are accessible to everyone, and they can revolutionize the way you work, saving you valuable time and effort. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 AI tools that won’t cost you a dime but will supercharge your productivity. From summarizing YouTube videos to automating resume writing, these tools are game-changers.

List of 10 AI tools for Productivity Booster and Save Time

1. Eightify App: Summarize Any YouTube Video


Have you ever wished you could quickly grasp the key points of a lengthy YouTube video without watching the entire thing? Eightify App is here to help. This AI-powered tool can summarize any YouTube video, providing you with the essential insights in a fraction of the time.

2. tldv.io: ChatGPT for Meetings. Record Meetings with Auto Insights

tldv AI

Meetings are a necessary part of professional life, but they can be time-consuming. tldv.io transforms your meetings by employing ChatGPT, making them 10 times more productive. It records your meetings and generates automatic insights, allowing you to focus on the most critical discussions.

3. Flexclip: Edit Videos with AI


Video editing used to be a daunting task, but Flexclip changes the game. This AI-powered video editor simplifies the process, enabling you to create stunning videos effortlessly. Whether it’s for work or personal projects, Flexclip streamlines video editing and saves you hours of frustration.

4. LightPDF.com: The One PDF Tool You Need


Dealing with PDFs can be a headache, especially when you need to convert, edit, or merge files. LightPDF.com is your all-in-one solution. With AI-driven capabilities, it makes handling PDFs a breeze. Say goodbye to time-consuming PDF struggles.

5. ResumAI.com & Rezi.ai: AI Resume Writing Assistant & Resume Maker

Rezi AI

Crafting the perfect resume is crucial for career success. ResumAI.com and Rezi.ai leverage AI to assist you in the resume-writing process. They analyze your input and provide expert recommendations, ensuring your resume stands out to potential employers.

6. Boomy.com: Generate AI Music

Boomy AI

Are you in need of background music for your projects but lack the musical talent? Boomy.com has you covered. This AI-driven platform allows you to generate custom music effortlessly. Save time and enhance your content with AI-generated tunes.

7. Longshot AI: From Idea to a Blog in Minutes

LongShot AI

Blogging can be time-consuming, from brainstorming ideas to crafting engaging content. Longshot AI simplifies this process. With AI-generated content suggestions and writing assistance, you can turn your ideas into compelling blog posts in no time.

8. Formula Bot: Transform ‘Text Instructions’ into Excel & Google Sheet Formulas

Formula Bot

Excel formulas can be intimidating, but they’re incredibly useful. The Excel Formula Bot makes them accessible to everyone. Simply provide ‘text instructions,’ and this AI tool will generate the corresponding Excel or Google Sheet formulas, saving you the trouble of manual calculations.

9. Murf: Change Text to AI-Generated Voices

Murf AI

Adding a human touch to your content is essential. Murf takes your written text and transforms it into AI-generated voices. Whether it’s for videos, podcasts, or presentations, Murf can save you the time and effort of voice recording.

10. Befunky.com: AI Designer

Befunky AI

Designing graphics and visuals can be time-consuming, especially if you lack design skills. Befunky.com offers an AI-powered solution. It simplifies the design process, enabling you to create stunning visuals effortlessly.

AI tools have democratized productivity, making advanced capabilities accessible to everyone. These ten AI tools not only cost nothing but also have the potential to save you countless hours of work. Embrace the future of work by integrating these AI-powered tools into your daily routine, and watch your efficiency soar.

Read more: Top 10 FREE Online AI Courses To Master AI

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