Futuristic AI Incubation Center: Collaboration and Innovation between India and US

Last Updated: March 27, 2024By

India on Par with US in AI Incubation and Adoption, Says QX Lab AI CEO

Key Points:

  • QX Lab AI states that India is now on par with the US in terms of AI incubation and adoption.
  • The CEO of QX Lab AI, based in the UAE, highlighted that previously only the US was considered a hub for tech innovation and trials, but this perception has now changed.
  • Top sectors in India that will benefit from AI include healthcare, cybersecurity, logistics, education, and automation.

Hot Take:

India’s AI scene is giving Hollywood a run for its money with its rapid growth and development. No longer in the shadows of Silicon Valley, India is emerging as a thriving hub for AI incubation and adoption. With sectors such as healthcare, cybersecurity, logistics, education, and automation poised to benefit, the sky’s the limit for India’s AI-powered future. Move over USA, there’s a new AI hotspot in town!

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